
  Homeschooling and You!  By Jodian-Stewart Clark and Rose Duperou 1.  What are the benefits of homeschooling?   2. Can every family homeschool?  3. Is homeschooling better than traditional?  4. How to homeschool effectively? What are some key benefits for doing homeschooling for children of all ages?  Homeschooling offers several benefits for children of all ages.  1. Customized Learning Pace: Homeschooling allows parents to tailor the curriculum and learning pace to suit each child's individual needs and learning style. This flexibility ensures that children can grasp concepts fully before moving on. 2. Individualized Attention: With homeschooling, children often receive more one-on-one attention from their parents or tutors. This personalized approach can lead to deeper understanding and faster progress in learning. 3. Flexible Schedule: Homeschooling provides flexibility in scheduling. Families can structure their day to accommodate other activities, travel, or personal int

Trust Yourself, Take the Leap, Be Flexible: Simple Wisdom to Begin the Homeschooling Year

Today is Friday, and I am feeling pretty good. The house is clean (well, cleaner than usual), and  I am watching my three older kids cook together while the baby naps. It's pretty amazing. Seriously, it can be like brokering Middle East peace talks just to get the two teenagers to talk to each other, and somehow they've come to an understanding that is allowing them to make Chinese dumplings together from scratch. Whoa. This is the kind of calm and quiet I don't get very  often. And there's no way it's gonna last more than twenty more minutes, so I'll type quickly.  T his week I have gotten my eldest started with her dual enrollment classes at the community college, helped my thirteen-year-old get himself organized for four online classes, decided to unschool my eight year old, and then decided that's never gonna work, so I am giving him worksheets and reading assignments until I figure out something better.  There have been more than a few bumps in the road